There are no better experts for what the community needs than the people who live there.

Grow Home is proud to support resident-led efforts to clean up, develop, and occupy numerous parks, gardens, and other green sites across South and West Baltimore. Each of these places represents long-term commitments rich with community leadership and a history of trust, communication, and capacity building.

Studies have shown that just 15 minutes of moderate daily activity in a green outdoor space can significantly improve physical and mental health outcomes. In an urban setting, access to clean and well-maintained public parks, gardens, and other green areas offers promising opportunities to enhance individual health and foster community transformations.

Our mission is to continue supporting these sites and organizations with technical assistance, fundraising, training, strategic conversations, partnership building, sharing of resources, and fiscal sponsorship if necessary. Grow Home works inclusively to help residents transform nearby blighted spaces into places for enjoyment and catalysts for community development.

Each local community needs a locally-led effort to address greening, sports, and overall quality of life. These organizations and resources are not evenly spread throughout the greater Baltimore area. Grow Home is dedicated to supporting these efforts wherever it can. We collaborate with “Friends of” citizen groups dedicated to improving and enjoying their local public parks and gardens, providing administrative, technical, and physical resources to connect experienced individuals with residents aiming to create green transformations within and outside each public space.

Each situation is unique. Each community is its own expert. Each group has its own set of strengths and its own path to success.

Community Sites

ABC/Catherine Street Park

Garrett Park

Carroll Park

The Victory Garden

Hilton and Daisy Fields

Filbert Street Community Garden

Farrring Baybrook Park

Leon Day Park